Term Life coverage
Term life insurance offers coverage not only for death caused by accidents, but by illnesses as well. Because of that, its pricing is directly related to your age, health, family history and lifestyle. If an offer for coverage is made, it can fall into one of these rate classes:
Ultra Select (the best rate class we offer): Excellent health and family history, no tobacco use within five years, low-risk lifestyle.
Select Plus: Very good health and family history, no tobacco use within three years, low-risk lifestyle.
Select: Good health and family history, no tobacco use within two years, low-risk lifestyle.
Standard: Acceptable health and family history, no tobacco use within one year, moderate-risk lifestyle.
Tobacco User: Acceptable health and family history, tobacco use within a year, moderate-risk lifestyle.
In some cases an offer can still be made if you are below Standard. This is called “sub-standard”.
The term length and amount of coverage are other factors that will impact the cost of the policy.
Get a term life insurance quote now. Note the quote tool does not show Standard or Substandard ratings.